Monday, January 26, 2009

just so everybody knows i am finally home with all my fingers and toes. life has been good so far at home, i am definitely looking forward to taking it easy for a while, but not looking forward to going back to a regular job making half the amount of money i made over there. oh well i guess thats the price you pay for not getting shot at all the time. hahaha, ttyl

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Down to the last week

So here I sit, tomorrow and I will be one week away from being officially "done" with my tour in Iraq, and I will begin my long journey home. The end of January could not come fast enough. Having to adapt back to "normal life" will be a difficult road as I will have to get used to the regular civilian way of doing things. I know the Lord will help me and that I will get through it as He has helped me get through this deployment. Dealing with "stupid" people and ignorant people, annoying people and always having to do stupid little things. ex. you must be in a proper uniform and have a weapon and ID card just to get into the chow hall. which you must either walk to or drive to. I cant wait to be able to throw on some shorts and a tshirt and flip-flops and go to whatever restaurant i want. or better yet, go down the hall into the kitchen and grab some food, go back to the couch and watch sportscenter 14 times in 14 hours and not worry about anything.
Anyways, enough griping. I am so excited to have served my country in this time of "need". but oh am I so glad to be returning home to my wife, family, friends, and even "enemies". I wanted to take this time to thank everybody for their thoughts, packages, prayers, and tears. I have felt the prayers, loved the packages, and thanked God for all of the other things.
Life back home will be different for a long time, but as we say over here, "we must adapt and overcome the situation that is before us" I have done it before and I will continue to do it for my lifetime. Thank you again for everything. and SEE YA SOON!!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hello To All

well hello there, this is the infamous Ryan Hudson...known to some as "small fry", "ry-guy", "rhino", to all my military peeps "hudson" or "twitch". but here i am, i have spent the last 10 months in the desert and the last 12 almost 13 months away from home and i am just now jumping on the blogger bandwagon. i am new at this and my resources are limited so there might not be pics or alot of info on this very often but as soon as i get home i will do my best. hudson out.